Graham Thinks?

Goals for 2024

Last year, I managed to change my perspective on mental health and physical fitness, and I started building healthier habits for myself. This year, I want to focus on learning (or maybe re-learning?) how to learn.

I learn a lot, and often--reading docs, keeping up with the webdev scene, and web searching frequently--but in the last year, I've become more aware of how valuable it is for me to teach others.

Critically, that means slowing down to articulate what I've read or what I'm reading. I don't normally take notes because I can't type or write as fast as my thoughts, and I get caught up in the words I'm writing as a result. That's why I've become much slower at writing as I've gotten older.

We're going to start small, and we're going to keep the tone pretty dry. The more fluff we can avoid, the better--whatever I can do to get a post up at the end of the day. From a practical angle, it makes for a nice paper trail, too: Concise notes for myself to reference later, and content for others that gets straight to the point.

Anyways, that's all. See you around in the New Year.